Norman the Dog Rides a Bike

What a smart dog.  Norman the Scooter Dog has many talents, and we agree with his view of puppy mills.  Please pay attention to Norman, his goal is to end dogs being bred through puppy mills. He encourages people to rescue a dog from a local shelter or rescue group, then take the time to learn obedience training and have some fun with your pet.

We saw this video this morning, and love it.

Norman Rides a Bike!

Smallest Puppy – Beyonce is a Survivor

Video from CBS Sacramento – rescue and rehabilitation ranch The Grace Foundation share the story of the rescue and survival of the tiny chihuahua puppy they named Beyonce.

Breaking News!
Update on Beyonce’s Adoption Status from The Grace Foundation Website

"The Grace Foundation is so grateful for the response we have received to our little Beyonce and her story of survival. We never could have predicted the amount of attention her story would receive or that she would become an international sensation.

Beyonce has become an ambassador for rescue dogs everywhere and has brought much needed attention to the plight of these dogs. In just two weeks this amazing little girl has put a face on the struggles that shelter dogs must face. Although some of them, like Beyonce and her family, are lucky enough to be rescued and find loving homes, millions more are euthanized every year. It is our hope that Beyonce will continue to encourage people throughout the country to adopt these rescue dogs, who are truly on their last chance at life."

Amazing Rescue Story – Fiona the Blind Dog

This amazing rescue story comes from Hope For Paws, a non-profit animal rescue organization, based in Los Angeles, California. Hope For Paws rescues dogs and all other animals who are suffering on the streets and in the shelters. They foster these animals in homes, cage free, until they can find them permanent, loving families. They can use our support.

From NBC- Limping penguin finds his footing

Great story on NBC news about a penguin who needed some help from humans.  Zoo keepers asked a local shoe company to use their high tech skills to create the perfect fit, really improved his quality of life – giving  this little penguin happy feet.  Don’t you just love animal stories with a happy ending!

When Santa Barbara zookeepers noticed a limping penguin, they outfitted him with a high performance bootie. NBC’s Kristen Dahlgren reports.

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Way to go Teva, creators of Lucky’s boot, who treated Lucky just like they would any customer.
Here’s another YouTube video about the process of getting Lucky the best boot in the zoo.

I searched and found a YouTube video with the song “Penguin With a Funky Shoe”

Social Networking Goes to the Dogs

My last post featured a Facebook page that encouraged Alaskans to find a lost sled dog.  The dog was a foreigner, belonging to a German musher who resides in Norway.  After much social networking the two were reunited in Alaska, five days after the dog disappeared.

Now I have another story for you.  I received an email from Jon Kolker, co-founder of a new site, – the first ever location-based social network for dog owners.

Jon founded the site along with his friends Kabir Shukla and Gareth Wilson. As dog lovers, they wanted to create a community for dog owners to connect with each other in a new way and discover fun places and activities. The end result is a mobile web app that lets users find, check-in, rate and just have fun with their dogs. They work on iPhone and Droid devices.

Here is What Excited Me

Jon said they are also working on new features that allow users to find rescues and shelters and donate to dog charities and service dog organizations. So when I’m sitting at the dog park with my dog and canine contributor, Maggie, and visiting with the other dog parents, I can pull my iphone out of my pocket, and take a look at

And, as they say . . . Remember – it’s a dog meet dog world.

Related: Facebook Community Helps Find Missing Sled Dog | Dog Blogs and Websites

Facebook Community Helps Find Missing Sled Dog

Last week I checked my facebook page to find an urgent message from friends in Alaska.  A facebook community page had been set up entitled “Help Find Whistler The Dog“.  It started out with the following post:

“Help us find Whistler! He could be anywhere from Anchorage to Willow, Alaska. He escaped a vehicle and we are trying very hard to find him. Please share this page through facebook and encourage others to do the same. There is contact information posted under “info” to the left. Thank you!”

The local Anchorage newspaper, The Anchorage Daily News, printed an article by MICHELLE THERIAULT BOOTS: German Iditarod musher’s lead dog missing in Anchorage

“A rookie Iditarod musher’s lead dog is missing in Anchorage after escaping from a dog truck on Thursday, friends say.

Silvia Furtwangler, a German musher who lives in Norway, arrived in Anchorage after two grueling days of international travel with her dog team.”  READ the Article . . .

Throughout the days I checked facebook and I noticed several people had spotted the missing dog, so I was hopeful that Whistler would be found safe and sound.  Today I was happy to see the report – Missing Sled Dog Found.  Very happy ending!

BACK TO FACEBOOK – I left a quick note on facebook to thank my friend for the update, and was surprised to find the local newspaper has already posted an update to the story. So HERE IS THE REST OF THE STORY: Enchiladas, roast beef aid in sled dog capture. By KYLE HOPKINS, Anchorage Daily News

Social Networking at its best!

UPDATE: An update on the Facebook Community Page for the missing dog says “Hi everyone! I got a call from Silvia just a little while ago. She took the dogs out for a 3 hour run today with Whistler in harness as part of the team, and he did great! She said he acted like nothing ever happened. He was happy, jumping, wagging his tail and Silvia was so happy. The team is back together! Share this page with others because we are going to continue giving you updates on Whistler’s progress with upcoming pics and video, along with the rest of the team!”

Check out owner Team Silvia Furtwängler’s website. There you’ll see pics of her entire team, including Whistler and his father Sharky!