Dog Poop and Your Septic System – What You Should Know

Mark Lewyn got in touch with us to share an article of interest to our readers. Read the article – WHAT YOU NEED TO KNOW ABOUT DOG POOP AND YOUR SEPTIC SYSTEM

The article features the following points:

  • Dog Fur and your Septic Tank: A Furry Problem
  • Dog Food and Your Septic System: A Surprising Culprit
  • Dog Play and the Drainfield: Fun But Risky
  • Dog Safety Around the Septic System: Keep Them Out of Trouble

He goes on to say that you might think that since human waste breaks down in the septic tank, dog waste would do the same. But here’s the catch – it doesn’t always work that way, and explains how dog waste can throw off the balance of your septic system. Looks like valuable information.

This is something I have never considered. But our family doesn’t have a septic system, we are connected to the city sewer system. Nevertheless, I started to think maybe I should make sure no waste from our dog would end up in the toilet.

Hope all is well with you and your fur babies. Let’s keep everyone safe.

How much should I feed my puppy?

Well, actually I don’t have a puppy. Our family includes a 12 year old canine contributor and the smartest dog we know. But I imagine our readers would like to know the answer to this question. I received an email the other day from Rob at He offered to share a Guide to Puppy Feeding. It says you can keep your furbaby healthy, happy, and nourished with these puppy feeding tips, techniques, and advice.

The article on discusses the essentials for feeding your puppy. The size and age of your dog will be an important factor in determining how to feed your little friend. To calculate their daily food intake take note of your dog’s age, physical condition, and weight. Puppies need two to three times more calories per day than older dogs. So it will be good to feed them more often than adult dogs. Be aware that every puppy is unique so talk to your vet about your dog’s nutritional needs.

So, what am I supposed to feed my little puppy, you ask. Keep in mind your dog’s breed, medical conditions, and activity level. Dr. Jennifer Schott gives this advice:

The most important thing to look for is that the food is labeled for growing puppies. It’s also important that your puppy will consistently eat the food! I typically recommend foods from Purina, Hill’s, or Royal Canin as they consistently make good quality products and have multiple puppy formulations based on size and breed.

For more information about how much to feed your puppy, check out the article How Much to Feed a Puppy, Backed by Vets at

Review – Dog Travel Water Bottle

Blue Belle tests out the portable dog water bottle by Pacific Paws Northwest to make sure your furry friends stay hydrated while on the go.

Portable dog water bottle

We all know that keeping our dogs hydrated, especially on a hot summer day, is vitally important. So, when we received a request to review a portable dog water bottle to keep your pooch hydrated while walking or hiking, it caught our attention. This is a 2-in-1 dog water bottle and bowl. It sounded interesting, so we agreed to review this product from PacificPaws Northwest.

The Package Arrives – The Dog Water Bottle Review Begins

dog water bottle review
The dog water bottle arrives.

The package arrived, and Blue Belle knew it must be something for her. We investigated. There is a leaf-shaped bowl made of silicone that rests on the side of the bottle made of hygienic food grade stainless steel which will keep Blue Belle’s water extra cold. The bottle holds 27 ounces of water. After filling the bottle with fresh cold water and putting on the bottle cap, unfold the leaf bowl and press the quick release button to release the water. There is another button to close the release. Once your dog has quenched her thirst, press the release button and the water will drain back into the bottle. Fold the leaf shaped bowl back down over the bottle and the all-in-one water bottle and bowl is ready for you to walk on.

Now the real test, take her to the park. It wasn’t a really hot day the beginning of March We headed to the park on a sunny day. One problem, there were distractions. Other dogs, silly squirrels, and grade school kids playing at the nearby school. In fact, too many distractions and Blue Belle just wasn’t in the mood to take a drink. But, when we returned to the car the thirst hit her and the PacificPaws Northwest water bottle was a hit!

dog tests PacificPaws Northwest dog water bottle
Blue Belle tests out the PacificPaws Northwest dog water bottle.

Last test was to put it in the dishwasher. We took the cap with the leaf shaped bowl off the bottle and washed both the cap and the bottle in the dishwasher. No problems.

Blue Belle says she really likes this product, especially if we take her to the park and for drives into the Idaho wilderness.

Where to Buy The Dog Water Bottle For Your Pup

You can find the PacificPaws Northwest water bottle on their website. Check out their video that shows how easy it is to quench your dog’s thirst while hiking. Here is their direct link to this awesome dog water bottle on Amazon.

One last thought. When I looked at Amazon, I see a lot of very positive reviews. I also noticed other water bottles. So I checked into a comparison of other dog water bottles. I like the fact that the stainless steel body keeps the water cold and the bowl is made of toxin free silicone. There is a quick release waterflow button and a lock button to stop the waterflow. It is very strong and durable and it has a large capacity of 27 oz.

Dog Water Bottle Comparison Chart

Dog water bottle comparison

9 Best Dogs For Apartment Living

Guest Contributor: Heidi Thiel

If you’re thinking about bringing a new furry friend into your small apartment, you need to make sure to do your research first. Not all dog breeds are equally suited to city living, and you’ll want to make sure that you and your dog will be happy in your small space. However, this doesn’t mean that you’re limited to just tiny lapdogs! The truth is that many mid-size and large dog breeds can also make great apartment companions. Take a look at the guide from TurboTenant below for a breakdown of the best small, medium, and big dogs for apartment living.

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How to Socialize a Puppy

Contribution from Richard Cross
Editor of

Puppies that have positive experiences with a wide range of dogs, environments, people and objects grow up to be less stressed and more adaptable. This is why socialization is one of a new dog owner’s most important tasks.

It can be hard to keep track of your dog’s experiences though. To help new dog owners, The Dog Clinic has created a checklist for puppy socialization. This is great for printing and sticking on your fridge, so everyone in the household can see your dog’s progress.

Socialization isn’t just about giving your dog lots of experiences though – these experiences need to be positive and controlled. The article also contains a complete guide to safely socializing a puppy with almost any new experience.

Puppy Socialization Checklist
Click Here to Jump to Checklist

Amazing Apps for First-Time Dog Owners

dog owner apps
Image courtesy of Unsplash

Guest Post by: Penny Martin

Our furry friends are often the highlight of our world. We come home to curl up with them and find contentment in their love. They act as additional members of our family, bring us joy, fill our hearts – and even help us to be healthier. It’s normal to want to take care of them in the best way possible when you bring them into your life.

Of course, when you’re getting your first bright-eyed pooch, you need to be prepared. Whether that includes making your home a cocoon of safety and toys or simply buying your dog the most comfortable bed you can find, you want to feel like your home is your dog’s home, too.

Aside from the everyday essentials, however, there is a lot to learn about dog health and safety. Thankfully, there are plenty of apps that can help — as long as you have a device that can keep up. Newer apps tend to require more power and memory than older phones supply, so if yours is on its last breath, consider an upgrade. Look for pet parent-friendly choices, like the Apple iPhone 11 Pro, which has ample memory and speed for even the most intricate apps, and the amazing three-camera system can take terrific pics of your pooch. Android offers plenty of great options as well, like the Samsung Galaxy Note 10 Plus. According to CNET, it has an especially generous display, an all-day battery, and stellar camera tools. Whatever device you use, just make sure you have a phone up to snuff so you don’t miss a trick, and so you and your pooch are set up for success with these terrific apps.


The iKibble app provides you with an incredible search interface for foods your dog might enjoy. You can find new meals to buy them, mark things they dislike or have a reaction to, and read short descriptions on what exactly you’re feeding your pal. You can also learn what foods are toxic to dogs so you don’t accidentally share any leftovers that might make them sick.


Made for pet lovers everywhere, Chewy gives you access to thousands of products that cater just to your barking family member. And you can shop for food during those moments when you know you’re running low but don’t have time to run to the store. Surprise your furry friend with a toy they deserve, from frisbees to chew toys, etc. You can even fill prescriptions from the vet when you’re pup is feeling a little under the weather, and much more. 

Animal Poison By ASPCA

Animals are sensitive to toxic substances, just like humans, and sometimes things you can eat can actually make your dog sick. Your dog can also develop allergies or experience a reaction if those things are consumed in small or large quantities. With the Animal Poison by ASPCA app, you can select your pet’s species on the homepage and plug in what was consumed. Learn how to deal with the reaction, and if needed, locate the closest and most recommended vet around, then bring your adorable dog back home with you safe and sound. 

Say Bark!

As App Annie explains, Say Bark! is pure entertainment! This app gives you the ability to use funny and creative filters or stickers on pictures you take of your four-legged friend. In addition, you can record a silly audio clip and share it with friends or family. It’ll have you all laughing and sharing cards and clips with everyone.

With each app that you download you’re creating a safer and more loving environment for your dog. Fall in love with the newest addition to your family, learn need-to-know information on taking care of him and spend forever making memories and sharing pictures and videos that showcase just how cool your little family is. Dogs are special and so extremely loyal, and these apps help you return the affection and make life better for you both.