Blue Belle tests out the portable dog water bottle by Pacific Paws Northwest to make sure your furry friends stay hydrated while on the go.

We all know that keeping our dogs hydrated, especially on a hot summer day, is vitally important. So, when we received a request to review a portable dog water bottle to keep your pooch hydrated while walking or hiking, it caught our attention. This is a 2-in-1 dog water bottle and bowl. It sounded interesting, so we agreed to review this product from PacificPaws Northwest.
The Package Arrives – The Dog Water Bottle Review Begins

The package arrived, and Blue Belle knew it must be something for her. We investigated. There is a leaf-shaped bowl made of silicone that rests on the side of the bottle made of hygienic food grade stainless steel which will keep Blue Belle’s water extra cold. The bottle holds 27 ounces of water. After filling the bottle with fresh cold water and putting on the bottle cap, unfold the leaf bowl and press the quick release button to release the water. There is another button to close the release. Once your dog has quenched her thirst, press the release button and the water will drain back into the bottle. Fold the leaf shaped bowl back down over the bottle and the all-in-one water bottle and bowl is ready for you to walk on.
Now the real test, take her to the park. It wasn’t a really hot day the beginning of March We headed to the park on a sunny day. One problem, there were distractions. Other dogs, silly squirrels, and grade school kids playing at the nearby school. In fact, too many distractions and Blue Belle just wasn’t in the mood to take a drink. But, when we returned to the car the thirst hit her and the PacificPaws Northwest water bottle was a hit!

Last test was to put it in the dishwasher. We took the cap with the leaf shaped bowl off the bottle and washed both the cap and the bottle in the dishwasher. No problems.
Blue Belle says she really likes this product, especially if we take her to the park and for drives into the Idaho wilderness.
Where to Buy The Dog Water Bottle For Your Pup
You can find the PacificPaws Northwest water bottle on their website. Check out their video that shows how easy it is to quench your dog’s thirst while hiking. Here is their direct link to this awesome dog water bottle on Amazon.
One last thought. When I looked at Amazon, I see a lot of very positive reviews. I also noticed other water bottles. So I checked into a comparison of other dog water bottles. I like the fact that the stainless steel body keeps the water cold and the bowl is made of toxin free silicone. There is a quick release waterflow button and a lock button to stop the waterflow. It is very strong and durable and it has a large capacity of 27 oz.
Dog Water Bottle Comparison Chart