Don’t ya just love the Dog Whisperer
Today we saw the dog whisperer, Cesar Millan on the Today Show. He has a new book out, Raise the Perfect Dog Through Puppyhood and Beyond. Episodes of the Dog Whisperer can be seen on the National Geographic channel Friday Nights 8 PM ET/PT.
National Geographic Youtube Video featuring Cesar Millan and Border Collie Maya. Cesar teaches the dog, Maya, not to jump on her owner. He teaches the owner to “own the place”. Be the Pack Leader. Cesar shows us how.
DogBlog picks – books by Cesar Millan.
This is one of the early videos and truly a favorite. It is a great reference for anyone looking to understand in simple terms what exactly is “pack leadership.”
Elite Dog Academy
I had a truly tough time to discover a name for my puppies. I named them Tom and Jerry haha, i was watching the cartoon. Quite funny but excellent names.