Dog Cone – Why do I Have a Lampshade on my Neck?

Maggie wears a Dog ConeDo I look silly, or what!

Why did my people do this humiliating thing to me? Well I will tell you, here is my story.

For some unexplained reason, which will remain a mystery, I injured my back feet. As soon as this was noticed by my responsible pack leaders they whisked me off to my friend Dr. McKown at Pets First Animal Clinic here in Boise.

After they scratched their heads trying to figure out how I injured myself, the doctor got down to business and used a low-tech method to look for germs. He put some tape on my foot to gather skin cells and then went out of the room. He came back to tell us that there was a bunch of bacteria on the slide indicating I had a bacterial infection. (No wonder my foot looked so red) YUCK. Dr. McKown sent us home with some medications and this interesting home decorating device which I truly enjoy wearing.

Yes, the squirrels and birds laugh at me, but I bet I can hear much better than any other creature around. I’m sure they don’t understand that I wear this cone to keep me from licking my wounds. And it works! My dog collar fits through the loops and this keeps the cone securely on my neck. I get to take it off once in awhile, but I just can’t help it some times and I start licking my feet. So back on it goes. If you want to know more about neck cones read eHow.

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