How to Raise a Happy Pet While Launching a Business

Guest Blog Post by: Jessica Brody

Photo by Pexels

Launching a business is an exciting experience, but it’s also a lot of work. And if you’ve just adopted a new pet, you likely have your hands full already! How are you supposed to divide your attention between your budding business and your new furry friend? To help you juggle your business while raising a happy, healthy, and well-adjusted pet, check out the following tips from A Dog’s Eye View!

Delegate Your Responsibilities

First, look for ways to delegate your business responsibilities so you can free up some time. Those first few weeks with your new pet are important for establishing household rules, forming a strong bond, and getting started on your training. The more time you can spend with your pet, the better!

Automation tools are a great option for small business owners looking to save time without spending a lot of money. You can find apps that automate invoicing, project management, accounting, lead generation, social media posting, email marketing, and more!

Outsourcing to freelancers is another great way to delegate your work without breaking the bank. Whether you need a web developer or a virtual assistant, it’s easy to find contractors at a rate you can afford by searching around on freelance job boards. For example, Upwork reports that the website designer hourly rate ranges from $15 to $30. You can also outsource non-work tasks, like home cleaning or grocery shopping, to carve out some extra time in your day.

Stick to a Routine

Routines are important for pets and people. Establishing a routine will help your new pet learn when they should expect walks, playtime, food, and attention. This will help you avoid issues with your dog whining for attention while you’re working or begging for food at all hours of the day. A solid routine is also important for house training puppies!

At the same time, your routine will help you stay on task when you’re working on your business. It’s easy to let the day get away from you when you’re working from home! With a set routine, you should be able to breeze through your daily work without too many distractions.

Commit to Consistent Training

As you go about your day, try to make time for regular training sessions with your new pet. Regular obedience training will help you bond with your new pet and ensure they develop the skills they need to become a well-adjusted member of your family.

Since dogs can be a major source of distraction when working from home, you might want to start by training your pet to rest quietly or play independently. Set up a comfortable space for your pet in your office where they can relax while you work. If you need help establishing these behaviors, don’t hesitate to consult a professional trainer!

Schedule Time for Walks and Interactive Play

Besides training, try to also make time for interactive play and daily walks with your pet. Regular exercise and mental stimulation are important for keeping your dog healthy, but also for preventing boredom and the destructive behaviors that result. Take regular breaks from your work so you can reward your pet for relaxing quietly with a quick play session. You can keep your pet occupied while you work with some interactive toys like treat toys or puzzle toys.

You may even want to drop off your dog at a doggy daycare center once or twice a week. This is a great way to help your dog maintain their social skills with other people and pets, and you’ll get a little break to focus on your business!

Pets make great companions for home-based business owners. Nothing’s better than plugging away at a computer with a furry friend curled up at your feet. And when your business gets stressful, your pet will be there to offer a play break or get you out of the house for a walk. Start looking for your new pet today!

Roto-Rooter Pet Rescues

Blue Belle, Canine Contributor
Blue Belle, Canine Contributor

Roto-Rooter reached out to us to make our readers aware of a free service they provide. This is what Maria said “Roto-Rooter is often called upon to save pets and wildlife stuck in precarious and oftentimes dangerous situations. Our expert technicians use state-of-the-art machinery to save the life of an animal in danger.” We thinks that’s awesome. Thanks, Maria for informing our dog blog community.

Blue Belle wants to draw folks attention to a company that is ready to help pets in your community.  The company is Roto-Rooter which is well known for plumbing and water cleanup services.  They also are available to help pets and wildlife that may be stuck in drains or pipes on your property.  They have state-of-the-art machinery, drain/sewer video cameras as well as industrial excavation equipment to rescue trapped animals or pets.  If you know of drains or pipes that pose a potential problem for your pets and other animals, Roto-Rooter will check out your property, find the problem areas and help you find a fix for them.  And Roto-Rooter offers this fantastic service for free!  We think that is great and you will too.

Roto-Rooter Pet Rescue

Pet Proofing Your Home

Neil Foto, Community Outreach Coordinator for sent us an email to recommend an amazing resource link, an interactive pet safety guide for new pet owners.

I think visitors to your site will enjoy this guide as it offers them the chance to click different rooms of the house and be provided safety concerns that are specific to that room. There is also a checklist for new pet owners and a list of essential supplies they will need.

Please check out this comprehensive guide and add the link to your site as an additional resource for your readers.

Thanks, Neil.  We encourage our visitors to check out this pet safety guide to pet proofing your home.

Pet safety guide

Pet Safety Guide – ADT Security Blog

Well-Known Secret Behind Pet Stores

Please join me in welcoming a guest blog post by Dayton Uttinger who informs us about the new law being discussed in the New Jersey Legislature.  If enacted, it will prevent pet stores from buying animals from “mills”, only from rescue and adoption shelters.

Thank you, Dayton, for your article. – Julie

The Well-Known Secret Behind Pet Stores

By: Dayton Uttinger

Happy puppyThere are few things that excite a household more than bringing home a new puppy.  Everyone crowds around the new addition to the family. Some are eager for attention, others withdraw into the arms of whoever’s carrying them, but they are all small and fragile, no matter how large they’re destined to grow later.  However, depending on the dog’s origin, dangerous health problems can develop with time, especially if it came from a puppy mill.

Puppy mills have long been the bane of animal rights advocates.  Although 62% of American households own at least one dog, and we all tend to treat them like family, we don’t always investigate where they’re coming from.  We figure that we’ll be giving our pet all the love that they deserve, so really, we’re rescuing an animal from a puppy mill when we buy from a chain store, right? Continue reading

How Dogs Improve Your Health

When I first heard from a guest poster about this subject of dogs improving my health, I thought of how much our dog has improved our mental, emotional, and physical health by being such an awesome companion and member of our family.  But I didn’t realize how much they can improve our health because of a fine blend of human and canine microbes.  – Julie

Guest Poster: Katie Connor

Has it ever occurred to you that keeping a dog at home is not just a momentary bliss but a permanent health regimen? A few licks and tail-wagging from your pet can surprisingly change your mood right then and there, and it makes everything a whole lot better, even with the most depressing of circumstance. Truly, their magic never fails to amaze us.

But did you know that dogs can improve our health too? Not only do they make a great companion and become our best friends but new evidence suggests that having a pet dog can’t only decrease stress in their owners but the microbes from dogs may also be aiding the dog owner’s overall physical health and well-being.

Thanks to microbiome – a single celled organism which is present just about everywhere in our environment; they outnumber the cells in our body by 10-1. As science starts to understand the importance of the microbiome, we are starting to realize just how important they are to our general health and well-being.

After all, it’s not just simply about emotional attachment, it does have something to do with how these micro-organisms are wired on the planet. It’s the connection between one living thing to another that drives us all into existence. These organisms may not be visible to the naked eye, but with enough ratio, it can be truly beneficial to everyone. In fact, they are often shared through a dog’s mouth, fur, and its other parts of the body. Science and emotional well-being does have something in common, doesn’t it? Continue reading

Dogs and Hardwood Floors – DogBlog

Guest Post by: Aedan Kiernan
Digital Marketing Executive
Wood Finishes Direct
Folkestone, Kent, UK

For many home owners, who are also dog owners, hardwood flooring is but a dream. Dogs claws, vomit, urine and dirty paws are all things that can cause havoc to a hardwood floor. However this doesn’t mean hardwood floors are out of the picture. Providing you choose the right wood, finish, sheen and cleaning products, your dog and floor can coexist in relative harmony. Although there is no way to stop damage altogether, you can reduce and limit the damage.

Wood – Choosing the wood will be the first thing you do, and there are so many woods available, oak, pine, walnut, ash, cherry, maple, the list goes on, but which one is best. The key to choosing wood flooring for a home with dogs is finding one which is strong and light in colour. You want it to be strong so it stands up well to your dogs claws and light in colour so any damage is less visible. This sums up oak perfectly as it is one of the strongest woods available, is naturally light in colour, and it is affordable. Although you could try an aged or distressed looking wood so any damage look like it is intentional.

Finish – Now that you have chosen the wood, now the question looms, what finish should I choose? Your new hardwood floor needs a finish to protect it from dirt and wear, otherwise it will quickly become damaged and eventually ruined. There are two main finishes on the market for floors and these are oils and varnishes. Oils are very popular as they offer a natural look and feel, but they are not suited to standing up to the wear caused by dogs. For this reason a floor varnish is the best choice of finish to provide the resilience you need. A varnish offers a hard and durable protective coating on top of the wood, helping to prevent damage and protecting the wood. The great thing with a varnish is multiple layers can be built up to increase protection. Make sure you use a specific “floor varnish” as these are made for floors and have increased protection to other generic varnishes. You can find a range of floor varnishes at Wood Finishes Direct. Continue reading